Delivery Guarantee

Cartist Delivery Guarantee

At Cartist , your satisfaction is our top priority. To ensure peace of mind for your shopping experience, we offer you an unrivaled Delivery Guarantee . We are committed to delivering every order on time and in excellent condition. If for any reason your order does not arrive at your address, you are protected by our full refund policy.

Delivery Guarantee Conditions

  • Refund Eligibility : This guarantee covers all cases where the package is declared undelivered to the address specified when ordering. No refund is possible if the package is lost after delivery to the correct address or in the event of theft after delivery.

Simplified claims process

  1. Notification : You must notify our customer service within 45 days of the estimated delivery date if you have still not received your order.
  2. Verification : We will carry out a quick investigation with our carriers to determine the location of your package. If we find that the package was not actually delivered to your address, the refund phase will be initiated.
  3. Refund : The refund will be made in full via the payment method used during the purchase. You will receive confirmation of your refund once it has been processed.

Cartist Commitment We understand the importance of receiving your purchases on time and in the best conditions. Our commitment to guaranteed delivery reflects our dedication to providing you with an exceptional customer experience. We are determined to maintain the trust you place in us and to provide you with fast and efficient solutions in the event of delivery problems.

For any questions or assistance , do not hesitate to contact our customer service. We are here to help you !